An Overview Of The Three Main Types Of Drug Abuse Treatment

Research indicates that combining jail sentencing with drug abuse treatment is most effective in reducing drug abuse and associated criminal activity. Individuals under civil compulsion, commonly referred to as being “under pressure” or “cooperating,” tend to stay in drug abuse treatment longer and also do better or equal to those not under similar coercion. Those who are “not under any compulsion” are more likely to return to drug abuse after discharge from treatment, providing further evidence of how important these incentives are for those seeking help. Although research suggests strong incentives do exist for those who wish to enter drug abuse treatment programs, those entering treatment must still be able to meet their financial obligations in order to continue their commitment.

Many government and private organizations to provide substance abuse treatment programs for an assortment of different purposes. Some of these programs are designed to address specific needs; others aim to provide general care for those suffering from drug abuse disorders. There is even a difference between the term “substance abuse” and “addiction” itself. Substance abuse is technically a disease, while addiction is typically considered to be an addictive behavior.

denver detox

Inpatient detoxification is one method of medically supervised withdrawal used to curb drug cravings and prevent serious withdrawal symptoms. Substituted for traditional detoxification procedures, inpatient detoxification allows patients to have a medical professional intervene in their own bodily processes in order to facilitate detoxification. Patients may go through several detox sessions over a period of several weeks before a final detox session is completed. The length of time during which inpatient detoxification is administered varies by program and is decided upon by the treating physician.