Another form of sleep apnea devices is VPAP or Variable Positive

There are a variety of treatments available with machines that aid in maintaining the airway open. The sleep apnea devices consist of a medical pump as well as a tube attached to a mask which is worn around the mouth, the nose or both. The machines for sleep apnea pump controlled amounts of air pressure into the airway, thereby holding the muscles relaxed as air inflation does to balloons.

Philips CPAC Lawsuit

Sleep apnea devices are available only upon a physician’s explanation and require Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. The physician of the patient determines the amount of air pressurized given, based on the kind and severity of the sleep apnea.

Many types of sleep apnea equipment are available. The most popular of sleep apnea devices is CPAP which stands for continuously positive airway pressure. A CPAP is typically about as big as a shoebox but occasionally smaller. The machine is connected to the facemask using an elastic tube. It works by pumping air into the tube with a high enough pressure to avoid instances that are sleep-apnea related.

Another form of sleep apnea devices is VPAP or Variable Positive Airway Pressure. Also known as bi-level , or BiPAP This machine makes use of an electronic circuit that monitors the patient’s breathing and give two pressures. Higher pressures are utilized to inhale, whereas an lower pressure is utilized to exhale. VPAP also known as BiPAP is more costly than CPAP and is often utilized for patients with additional respiratory conditions, and/or those who struggle to breathe against pressure.

Another alternative is APAP which stands for automated positive pressure in the airways. Recently accepted by the FDA the sleep apnea machine is comprised of pressure sensors as well as an electronic computer that continuously examines the patient’s breathing. APAP can then automatically alter the pressure when the patient’s breathing patterns change. The types mentioned are: APAP is most advanced and could be the most costly.

The features available on sleep apnea machines comprise ramps that allow patients to start their night’s sleep with low pressure and “ramp” it up as sleep gets deeper. Sleep apnea machines are also equipped with a humidifier heated. The humid, warm air can help prevent sleep apnea-related events, can aid in breathing and the effects of dry throat and mouth that occur after waking. Certain sleep apnea devices can be used to track the frequency of use by the CPAP. Other machines can record whether the patient has experienced any sleep apnea-related events during the use of the sleep apnea device. The physician of the patient can access this information to determine the efficacy of treatment.

A compliance motor added to machines for sleep apnea provides an objective proof of whether the person is getting enough deep sleep. With sleep apnea devices that have this feature, patients could be required to bring the machine to the sleep center in order to download the data or transmit the information via a phone modem, which is provided by the machine, which doesn’t necessitate Internet access.

Utilizing the Sedu is a process that involves four steps

The most popular hair straightening methods are chemical straightening and irons. Sedu straighteners are the most well-liked and powerful irons; therefore, we’d use the Sedu as the straightener’s representation. Here are the main differences between Sedu straightener as well as chemical straighteners.

chemical hair straightener uterine cancer lawsuit

Chemical straighteners:

A chemical straightener can reorganize hair’s structure from curly to straight. The most commonly used chemicals include sodium hydroxide, ammonium thioglycolate, and guanidine hydroxide. Straightening with chemicals can be dangerous, so it is recommended to have a professional do it.

Chemical straightening includes four main steps:

1. Test for Strand -The purpose is to determine the texture, strength and elasticity of hair. The test can help you to know the strength of your hair, its texture and whether it can take the chemical treatment and also which type is best to your hair.

2. Applying a protective cream to the scalp. The cream will protect damaged hair.

3. Rinsing the chemicals with hot water on hair.

4. Relieving the scalp using the use of a specific conditioner.

Sedu straightener:

Sedu straighteners offer a temporary change to the hair’s structure but not lasting like those with chemical hair straighteners. If you’re not sure whether you’d like flat hair for the long make use of Sedu Straightener for hair. Although, Sedu straightener needs an daily use time of not less than 10 minutes. Sedu straighteners aren’t very expensive and can be used by anyone. The chance of causing significant damage to hair is not as high.

Utilizing the Sedu is a process that involves four steps:

1. Hair washing before using Sedu.

2. Hair drying for about 15 minutes with a blow-dryer.

3. Using Sedu on hair.

4. Hair brushing or combing.

If you choose for straightening your hair using chemical treatment or Sedu one of the most important things is to ensure that your hair stays healthy.

If the heart of the person is beating and they’re breathing

In every news article, there’s a story about the negative effects of nicotine and why cigarettes are the latest killer. Many businesses, offices as well as restaurants have started bans on smoking cigarettes within and around their premises. Many cities have banned smoking cigarettes completely, not only due to the health risks however, but also for environmental reasons. The people who suffer from addiction to nicotine struggle to quit, with this being among the most difficult addictions to overcome. The hard task of putting cigarettes or other nicotine-based products down is usually criticized by other people, making the journey difficult. Find out more on nicotine, and the things a person addict may expect or experience.

Juul Lawsuit

It’s just a Cigarette Or Chew, But What’s the Big Deal

The issue with the idea that it’s an ordinary chew or cigarette is that it has the deadly substance. Nicotine comes from the tobacco leaves plant, but it’s in fact extremely toxic. tiny drops of nicotine that are undiluted can kill someone far more quickly than arsenic and strychnine have ever been thought of. Another aspect of the chemical structure for nicotine is it takes just minutes to enter the brain and alter the function of hundreds of neurotransmitters (chemicals within the brain). This leaves the user or dipper feeling a greater feelings of tranquility or ‘awwww due to the release of dopamine. Dopamine is one of the chemicals that has been proven to improve mood and control emotions in human beings. Thus, products that contain nicotine are highly addictive and alter the chemical composition in the brain creating an addictive habit that is extremely difficult to stop.

What happens when a Nicotine Addict Attempts to Quit?

Of the millions who smoke, the majority of them want to stop or decrease the amount of nicotine-laced products they consume. But only 6% have success, regardless of the methods they decide to use for quitting. This is due to the fact that within a couple of hours of the first symptoms of nicotine, the body starts to wage a battle against the victim. These symptoms can be both mental and physical, and are similar to mild withdrawals that are more common to their illegal counterparts. The symptoms can include depression, anxiety, cognitive problems (can’t think clearly) and mood swings as well as increased appetite and cravings. Since these symptoms are overwhelming for the majority of people and last more than two hours, an addict will eventually give the drug. It’s not an easy task. Just check out the statistics just 6% have were able to successfully quit!

The Habits The Habit Nicotine Addiction

People from professionals down to everyday citizens often refer to smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco as an habit. While the rituals that accompany smoking tobacco may be a part of a routine but the addiction is much greater than it. The only habit associated that are associated with dipping or smoking is the actions that lead to taking a drink cigarettes, lighting, purchasing, holding…get the point? If cravings are part of the equation, and an user experiences any form of discomfort or cravings when they are looking for their latest nicotine fix they’re addicted. There aren’t any hard and strict rules regarding time frames, the majority of addicts become dependent on nicotine-based products in a matter of months, not the years that some people claim.

Harms of Nicotine

The negative effects of nicotine can be quite extensive but we will focus on the most frequent. They are the most frequently caused by nicotine-related diseases:

O Heart disease

A High Blood Pressure

O Cancer

Problems with throat, stomach tongue, mouth

A higher risk of developing COPD, COPD-related breathing problems.

o Malnutrition

Can Addicts stop?

If the heart of the person is beating and they’re breathing in their own air then they could quit nicotine. It requires education, support and a few days to get remove the changes nicotine causes in the brain, however it’s doable. In reality, nicotine gone from blood within 72 hours of first ingestion. It is possible that withdrawal symptoms will be difficult to endure during the first two to three days. But by this point, the blood has come back and our body has a tendency to reduce the craving for nicotine dramatically. However, this doesn’t mean that everyone will experience the craving or desire as it can last for weeks, but as time passes, it decreases. To quit many people require an intervention. It could be a friend or a loved one support them in helping them quit. There are a variety of treatments that one may try to ease withdrawals and cravings in the initial phase. However, research has shown that the best approach to stop dependence on nicotine is to make an agreement that smoking is no longer a no-go and out of the question.

Why you should hire an auto accident lawyer

You can take on your auto accident lawsuit by yourself, or through an lawyer. A lawyer’s appointment right after your accident can be the most effective option to avoid costly errors and delays in the filing of your personal claim for injury. While the deadlines vary between states and state to state, it is recommended that you get in touch with an attorney as soon as you can. It is important to talk to an attorney prior to settling with an insurance firm. A lawyer representing you is crucial to secure reimbursement for the loss of wages as well as medical expenses.

car accident lawyer brisbane

The first step is to contact 911 and making arrangements for an immediate response from police. An investigator might ask for details regarding the incident along with what your passenger or driver was doing. Eyewitness testimony is essential to establish liability and fault in a lawsuit involving a car accident. Smartphones can assist you to find evidence quickly and easily. Cameras can capture photos of damage to property accidents, road hazards, injuries, or traffic flow patterns. Lawyers can provide these information to insurance companies to support your claim.

A seasoned attorney is able to bargain with insurance firms for you. Their understanding of insurance policies can increase your chances of receiving complete payment. They will also be able you can interpret what is written of the policy to increase the amount of compensation you receive. If you hire an auto accident lawyer You can be confident that you’ll get the money you’re due. It’s not a reason for you to accept less than what you’re worth. You’ve already been injured.

An attorney for car accidents can aid you in understanding your rights and help you gather evidence to back up your claim. An attorney from your auto accident can help you decide whether or not you want to resolve the matter. The majority of car accidents are settled out of court. The at-fault side will likely offer an offer of compensation that is less than you should receive. If you agree to their offer, you’ll lose the right to pursue a lawsuit however an attorney who specializes in auto accidents can help negotiate the best settlement.

A lawyer for car accidents could also be able of recovering damages. In addition to reimbursing medical expenses, the lawyer might be able to assist to recover damages for the wrongful death of a loved one. If you’re unable from working, a car crash attorney can also assist you to collect damages. A lawyer for car accidents may help you collect property damage as well as medical expenses or lost wage. They can assist you in recovering for the loss of loved ones. If you are looking for an attorney in auto accidents look at the attorney’s experience, expertise level along with the location and the fee arrangement.

Engaging an auto accident lawyer is a wise choice for those injured in a car crash. A seasoned lawyer will handle the claim procedure on your behalf, and help you with the process of making the insurance claim. A skilled attorney will make all the impact in your case and could save you lots of time and cash. When you should hire an attorney for auto accidents is contingent on the nature of the case as well as the amount you’d like to receive.

How the Financial Landscape of Pet Pharmaceuticals Has Been Changed by the Internet

The late 1980’s and early 90’s brought about the birth of the consumer internet. Still written off by many companies as a novel invention, a secondary market, the internet was not a major concern. Since the mid 1990’s, with more and more people becoming connected to the internet, the potential for companies to reach consumers right in their homes began to be realized. Since then the internet has brought about a great change in the way business is conducted. Companies began allocating resources to internet development initiatives. The World Wide Web brought companies and investors together into a rapidly evolving market.

tdf lawyer

The .com bubble that emerged from 1997-2000 followed subsequently by a bust immediately thereafter left many internet startup companies of the time underfunded. The pet products industry gave us one of the most notable failures of the .com bubble, Initially well-funded, with an advertising budget that bought super bowl ads, the company failed due to a poor distribution model.

Though overshadowed by, another pet related company emerged through the internet bubble and over the last 15 years, has impacted the distribution model of the Pet Pharmaceuticals and OTC industry. This paper will explore the economic and financial impact of Pet Meds Express Inc on the Veterinarian and Pet Pharmaceuticals market and analyze the path the company followed to become the largest online Pet Pharmacy in the world.

The Evolving Pet Meds Industry

In January of 2012, Dr. Doug Mader, former president of the North American Veterinary Conference moderated a heated debate between PetMeds Express and the Veterinarian community. This debate was due to the way PetMeds express generated revenue, by changing the distribution chain in the Veterinarian Pharmacy industry. Until PetMeds Express started an online pet pharmacy, Veterinarians held a sort of monopoly on distribution of pet meds. But how does a relatively small company in the Pharmaceutical industry make this kind of impact? PetMeds Express understood the potential of the internet early and creating a new market.

To better understand the effect that PetMeds Express is having on the pet pharmaceuticals industry, it is important to first understand the industry that they operate within. Zoetis, Pfizer pharmaceuticals animal health medications offshoot, estimates that the growing global food demand in emerging markets for animal proteins and the increased standard of living in emerging markets have helped the animal medicines and vaccines market grow to the currently estimated $22Billion market. Within this global market, PetMeds Express participates in a $4Billion dollar U.S. industry, according to their estimates. Multiple pharmaceutical manufacturers develop and sell pet pharmaceutical products, they sell directly to Veterinarians.

Within a $4Billion market, the internet has allowed a new company to come in and change the distribution system, even without the support of the manufacturing companies. Though PetMeds Express makes up only 6% of the US Animal Pharmaceuticals market, the company brought to light the potential within this market niche attracting competitors and the attention of bib box retailers, something that could cause further thinning of revenues and margins if PetMeds Express cannot align with manufacturers in the near future.

Animal Pharmaceutical Distribution in the US

Since the major pharmaceutical companies have refused to work directly with PetMeds Express to date PetMeds Express needed to navigate the supply chain in a creative way. Instead of buying from, manufacturers directly, PetMeds express has been forced to buy from a ‘gray market’ of distributors, assumed to be Veterinarians that order in large quantities to supply the company, though PetMeds Express representatives have not confirmed their supply sources.

Individual Veterinarian practices that dominate this market have voiced concern that the growing internet and retail ‘big box’ approach is eating away at one of their profit centers. Prior to this competition, Veterinarians’ enjoyed a relatively non-competitive market. Animal owners would visit a Veterinarian, and due to convenience, would purchase medication directly from the Vet. This practice started to be threatened with the emergence of the PetMeds Express model, though Veterinarians still enjoy the major market share of around 67% according to PetMeds Express investor data. We must keep in mind that this figure represents individual Veterinarians and group practices together. These practices do not share in the same economies of scale as PetMeds Express, nor do they individually represent major competitors.

It is interesting to note that Dr. Foster and Smith Inc, a major competitor of PetMeds Express Inc, was founded in 2003. The Dr. Foster & Smith brand was also an early entrant to the internet market. Though the company is stock was up to an estimated $250 Million6 in 2008 and has since been estimated at around $170 Million. They are close in market cap to PetMeds Express with distribution via the internet as well, however, they are grouped in with the Veterinarians in the 67% market share. Assuming other variables are equal with this private company, they could make up a relatively similar +/-6% of the Veterinarian market, leaving around 60% of the current market to traditional Veterinarians.

Currently, PetMeds Express represents a small Cap stock with a market cap of $257,212,860 in 2012. Despite PetMeds Express’ relatively small segment of the market, there is cause for worry among the Veterinarian community. In 2004, when the company went public, the industry was estimated to be at $3Billion and PetMeds reported revenue of $93,994 left the company with only 3% of the market at that time. Compare that with 6% of the $4Billion dollar current market and we see the trend of this online retailer’s market segment growing. However, as with any business, past performance does not guarantee future profits.

PetMeds isn’t the only threat to the Veterinarian retail pharmaceutical segment. The company’s growth attracted competition and now the distribution includes The “veterinarians, online and traditional retailers.” In fact, it is the retail segment that is beginning to lower margins for PetMeds Express and creates a problem the company must address and work to overcome

In efforts to continue maximizing shareholder value, retailers like Wal-Mart and Target also want a larger slice of the pet medication segment. Their large volume purchasing power makes them a great threat to both the Veterinarians and the new online retail segment in which PetMeds operates. In 2011 and 2012 PetMeds Express has started seeing the effects of a highly competitive market slow down growth, increase the cost of new customers and reduce profit margins.

Ethics and Risk in the Pet Medicine Industry

When PetMeds Express entered the market, they were depending on consumers that enjoyed the convenience of purchasing over the counter medications on the internet as well as those consumers whose veterinarians either did not carry various prescribed medicines. Veterinarians however, receive about 25% of their revenue from the sale of prescriptions that they write and fill. As the company evolved, so did PetMeds Express business model, which ended in some ethical problems that the company faced. As with all publicly traded companies, PetMeds express had to figure out how to increase profits but how could they increase sales of prescription medications and thus increase profits?

This problem initiated an innovative idea that would allow consumers to call up, consult with a Veterinarian over the phone and immediately receive a prescription, which was converted to an order and sent out to the customer. This was an excellent way for the online prescription drug retail business to grow. If customers could skip the Veterinarian visit all together, PetMeds Express could capitalize on more pet owners that valued convenience and generate another income stream through their Veterinarian consultations. However, this method of selling prescriptions without actually seeing the animal did not sit right with the rest Veterinary community. Already worried that the growing online company could eat into the Veterinarian’s revenue stream from medication sales, PetMeds Express had crossed an ethical line that caught the attention of the Veterinarian community as well as regulators.

Only three years into operations in 1999, PetMeds Express was disciplined by the Florida Board of Pharmacy for the over the phone prescriptions. The company received a $30,000.00 fine, but more than this, they upset the Veterinarian community. Though the company immediately complied, this former practice continues to come up, even at the 2012 North American Veterinary Conference (NAVC).

At the 2012 NAVC, a petition by Birmingham, AL Veterinarian, Dr. Doralee Donaldson, drew 149 signatures and ended up with PetMeds Express withdrawing as a sponsor of the event. Instead, representatives of PetMeds Express showed up to the NAVC and did a panel discussion, attempting to mend ill feelings from the Veterinarian community. Moving forward, PetMeds express intends to work with the Veterinary community, encouraging regular Vet visits and attempting to show Veterinarian’s that there is room in the market for both interests.

Financial Analysis

PetMeds was the first non-veterinarian owned commercialized online pet pharmaceutical company and first public company in the space. When new competition in the online space along with the competition from the retail segment began, profits began to get sluggish. By reviewing data taken from the company’s annual reports, we can see that PetMeds Express has experienced a decline in total revenues since 2010. Profit Margins stayed close to 10.5% in the years from 2008 to 2010, however 2011 and 2012 saw year over year declines, with a margin of just less than 7% for 2012.

By analyzing the online company from a different approach, we can see how the company is maximizing the potential of their people. According to Lowell L. Bryan of McKinsey Quarterly, an excellent measure an internet era company’s performance is profit per employee. In addition to measuring returns on invested capital, this shows the contribution made by the team members. Bryan says that “from 1995 to 2005, the top 30 largest companies in the world (ranked by market capitalization) have seen their profit per employee rise to $83,000, from $35,000.”

Using this methodology to analyze the annual profit to number of employees taken from PetMeds Express annual reports, we see they had their best year in 2010 with profit/employee of $114,546. The stock has suffered in the last couple years and so has the profit per employee; in 2012 the profit/employee was down to $80,478. Not bad for a small cap company.

The drop in profits is due to several factors, including the poor economy, which is causing pet owners to be more cost conscious, increased entrance into the market by other online retailers like, and an increase in competition from large retail chains like Wal-Mart, Target, Wal-Greens. This means that PetMeds Express must advertise more, and lower their prices to stay competitive, thereby lowering profit margins in the short term until other strategies, including additional advertising, help the company grow.

By examining the graph on the right, we can see how PetMeds Express has performed against the market. This graph shows how $100 invested in 2007 would perform if invested in PetMeds Express vs. the S&P 500, Russell 2000 and Nasdaq Composite Indexes. From 2008 to 2010, their stock experienced high growth and performed well against the market with the $100 investment at $187.09. However this changed in 2011 when the company experienced more competition and lower profit margin and pricing. If we look at the trend in 2009 PETS enjoyed a 48.5% gain, followed in 2010 by a 35% gain. In 2011 there was a 28.5% loss and a 21.9% loss in 2012 which puts the stock back on par with the other indexes, however still trending down.

Ratio Analysis

PetMeds Express has grown quickly and carved out a niche internet based distribution system for pet OTC and prescription drugs. By looking at the company’s solvency, liquidity and profitability, through ratio analysis we can see if there are some financial causes for concern outside of the slipping profits. We can get a better understanding of this by looking at the company’s financial ratio’s based on the last 4 quarters ending March 31, 2013


The company has a current ratio of 8.03 which is very high. This leaves the company in a good position if they need to acquire related competitors. This number is also due to the large amount of inventory the company, which can be seen by removing the inventory in the quick ratio of 5.81. The Net Working Capital is $59,162, so there is no immediate risk of the company running out of money.

Use of Assets:

The 12 month inventory turnover ratio is at 5.83. If we compare this to the largest Pet retail store, PetsMart, their 2012 inventory turnover ratio was at 7. If compared with a human pharmacy, the industry standard is 12. Even though PetMeds Express is below this, they also have higher overhead and a larger inventory holding expense. This lower ratio could also due to inefficiencies in the gray market system PetMeds Express must purchase through.


The return on assets ratio is.19 while the return on equity ratio is.21, so even though the company’s profit margin for 2012 was.07, they are still doing well for their shareholders. On top of this, the profit margin increased to from.07 to.09 during the first quarter of 2013, perhaps an indicator that the company is finding ways to lower their costs, or that the increase in marketing in response to more competition is beginning to work. By continuing to watch this number, we will get an idea of the potential for PetMeds Express to remain competitive.

Debt Indicators:

The total debt ratio of.11 and the debt to equity ratio of.12 shows that PetMeds Express may not be fully utilizing their leverage. Since they have hit a couple of rough years of declining profits, they should consider investing in other companies that could strengthen their position.

PetMeds Express has also experienced year over year drop in EPS in 2011 and 2012. EPS was 1.14 in 2009 and began to decline to.92 in 2011 and.78 in 2012. The PE Ratio in 2012 was 14 and is currently listed at 15.14 Based on this the price investors are willing to pay would be about 18 for 2012.

Using the 2012 PE ratio and analyzing some of PetMeds current market competitors in the pet and pharmacy business, we get an average P/E ratio of 19.5. Using this number we can multiply the industry average with PetMeds EPS of.82 leaving us with about $16 per share intrinsic value. It seems Pet Meds stock could be slightly undervalued currently.

Future Potential

PetMeds Express must do something to close the gap between their current and previous performance. The additional advertising the company started in the last 2 years has started helping them rebound. What are some other options the company may have?

Since PetMeds Express depends on the gray market for distribution, they have a high level of risk if large box stores leverage their purchasing power and connections to gain an advantage. PetMeds Express could manage to negotiate wholesale agreements directly from the pharmaceutical manufacturers, lowering their overhead. However this type of distribution would likely be available to their competitors as well if opened up.

The company is relatively financially healthy and facing a highly competitive market. Perhaps they could consider a partnership with the competition. An obvious partnership would be with one of the large retailers like PetsMart. Both Pet retailers face competition from Wal-Mart and other larger retailers. A partnership could open a new shared revenue stream for each company as well as potentially sharing their purchasing power. Though cannibalization of some other products couple play a role in the potential benefit of offering PetMeds pharmaceuticals at the popular and growing store front retailer. Though PetsMart has their own online retail, they do not carry pharmaceuticals. Perhaps the established brand of PetMeds Express would be able to handle the pharmaceuticals that these companies currently do not carry.

Perhaps looking to one of the leaders in the global pharmaceutical industry, like Pfizer, can give us some insight into the future potential of the market. Pfizer recently re-branded their Animal Health division into Zoetis, showing that Pfizer see’s the potential in this segment enough to brand for it specifically. With some good business decisions focused on creating partnerships, especially with the pharmaceutical manufacturing companies, PetMeds Express can continue to define itself as the online force to be reckoned with in the animal medicine industry.


The company has made it through some rough beginnings including several legal battles. They pulled through the bubble and grew into the largest Animal Pharmacy with 6% of the market. After examining the company’s financial ratios, it appears that the company is currently healthy. This is likely one of the reason’s Zack’s average brokerage rating for this stock is a hold.

After reviewing the company’s history and current stock performance we get a picture of an innovative company that grew with technology, but now must continue to be agile and adapt to change as competition catches up. PetMeds Express has gained 6% market share within the US Pet Pharmaceuticals industry since the company started in 1996. This growth attracted competition to the distribution chain. These competitors include other online retailers and large national discount retailers that are forcing prices lower and decreasing profit margins. In total, Since PetMeds Express was a pioneer in the nationalized pet pharmacy model during a fast moving internet era, they have been a major influence in Veterinarian’s losing 33% of this market and changing the distribution model within the industry in 17 years.

How Safe Is Your Baby Formula Water

Where do you get your baby formula water? Did you know that babies are very susceptible to contaminants found in tap water? That is why it is important to use only clean, safe, and pure water for baby formula. Babies depend on you for proper care and nutrition. That is why it is crucial that you use baby formula water that has been properly purified and free from contamination.

Baby Formula lawsuit

What is in tap water that makes it dangerous for babies?

There are many contaminants found in tap water. Two types of contaminants, specifically biological and chemical, are most dangerous to the health of babies.

Biological contaminants like bacteria, viruses, and parasites carry several water borne diseases. Water borne diseases mainly present with diarrhea and this in turn can lead to dehydration.
Dehydration is fatal to infants and there are millions of death each year brought about by dehydration due to diarrhea. Water borne diseases are actually the second leading cause of death in infants. Examples of water borne diseases which may be acquired by using unsafe baby formula water are typhoid, cholera, amebiasis, hepatitis A, rotavirus, cryptosporidiosis, and E. coli.

Chemical contaminants are also very dangerous for babies.
These can affect intellectual development, nervous system function, and behavior.

Chemical contaminants can lead to developmental delays, learning disabilities, cancer, and even death.

Some of the common chemicals in tap water are lead, benzene, nitrites, and arsenic. Lead from old lead pipes can damage the kidneys and the nerves, cause learning disabilities and mental defects, and even cancer.

Benzene, which comes from pollution and industrial seepage, can cause damage to the central nervous system and cause leukemia. Arsenic, which comes from mining and industrial emissions, can cause several types of cancer including skin cancer and kidney cancer.

You could be subjecting your baby to these health threats by giving him or her contaminated baby formula water. If you want to be sure about the quality of the water you will give your baby, have a water filtration system installed in your home. There are counter top filters, under the counter filters, faucet filters, and even whole house filters from which you can choose.

Filtration effectively removes biological, chemical, and physical contaminants in water. This makes water safe for drinking, cooking, and other household purposes for your family, especially for the safety of your little one.

Babies are precious and they are sensitive to the environment. They are easily affected by harmful things and they need you to protect them. Make sure that you give them the protection they need by giving them pure, clean water that has been properly purified.

Easy Steps to Fast and Lasting Weight Loss

When it comes to losing weight there are no magic pills or secret diets that can help you reach your weight loss goals. But you can achieve your goals with these 3 steps to help lose weight.

Like most things in life losing weight (a lot of weight) boils down to conscious effort, discipline, determination and perseverance.

Belviq Class Action

Losing 10, 20, 50 or 100 pounds or more all comes back to what you do on a daily basis. If you do what you’re supposed to do (eat right + exercise) day in a day out you will eventually lose all the weight you want.

However, if you throw caution to the wind and don’t do what you’re supposed to do then you may never see your weight loss dreams come true. This my friend is the saddest scenario there is.

If you’re bored of being fat, if your tired of being overweight, if your ready to start your new life today then hold on because I am about to give you the simple yet extremely effective weight loss plan you’ve been waiting for.

Are you ready? I am going to tell you in no uncertain terms what you have to do to lose all the weight you want in 3 easy to do steps. However, in order for this to work you must maintain your focus and discipline everyday to keep doing the steps until you reach your desired results.

Even if you falter and veer off your weight loss track, it’s OK. If you are able to quickly get back on track you will overtime, reap the benefits of dramatic weight loss and improved health.

And now, without further adieu here are your 3 basic steps to weight loss…




There they are. What do you think? A little anti-climatic, huh? Maybe you were expecting more… Well, let me tell you if you are able to grasp and implement this powerfully safe and effective weight loss plan is you will never again have to spend another unnecessary dime on weight loss products that don’t work.

You see, your body is a fine tuned weight loss management machine. If you follow the right plan and give your body only what it needs to survive it will do all the hard work for you.

Given enough time and following the 3 steps above you can lose tens and even hundreds of pounds without starving yourself or resorting to bogus weight loss pills or dangerous body sculpting surgeries.

Now, this is not to say that the road to significant weight loss will be easy or that you will not have to suffer a bit to reach your desired results. There will be days when you feel like throwing in the towel and giving up.

On those days you might just cave into your undeniable cravings and go crazy at your local all you can eat artery clogging buffet. But hey,that’s OK. You’re human. Sometimes you have to go a little nuts to get back on track.

However, if you are truly committed to reaching even your most seemingly unattainable weight loss goals you can and will do it by following the plan above. Now, for your benefit let’s go a little deeper into each step of the plan.


There is really no doubt about it. If you want to lose weight you have to start eating less. You have to create a calorie deficiency in order for you body to start shedding pounds.

If you do not begin to limit how much food you take in no amount of exercise will help you reach your goals. Eating less of your favorite greasy, fat filled foods will be the quickest way to dramatic weight loss.

It really doesn’t matter how much weight you have to lose. Unless you take control of both your conscious and unconscious eating habits you’ll be hard pressed to lose even one pound.

No, you have to start cutting back on the amount of food you are used to eating. I’ve heard of stories where people would go to Mc Donald’s and pack away two Super Sized Big Mac Meals.

Obviously, this is way too much. In this situation even cutting down to one Super Size meal would be an improvement. But, as we will see in our next step, a better plan would be to do away with the Super Size meal all-together and start eating better.


As the saying goes, “We are what we eat.” If we eat crap, guess what? However, if we learn to eat well then not only will our waistline thank us for it but we’ll also feel better about ourselves to boot.

One of the quickest changes you can make to your diet when trying to lose weight is to ditch all the junk food you may be used to eating (chips, sodas, pizzas, donuts, cookies, etc) and start eating more vegetables.

Now, I know what you might be thinking. You may still be traumatized by your mother not letting you get up from the dinner table until you finished all your broccoli but let me tell you, your mother was right.

If you can fill half your plate at every meal with high fiber and nutrient packed vegetables you are well on your way to significant and long lasting weight loss. This is probably one of the simplest things you can do to really kickstart your weight loss journey.

While it might not be easy to start eating vegetables at every meal the sooner you begin the better off you’ll be and the quicker the weight will start to melt off your body.


In order to kick your weight loss adventure into high gear you have to get your body moving. I don’t care if you call it working out, exercising, aerobics or whatever the point is you have to do something to get your heart rate up and your sweat glands working overtime.

Exercise is the key to sustainable, long lasting and real weight loss. For every pound you lose by eating right and exercising that is one more pound that will never come back to haunt you.

Why? Because you now know the “secret” to safe and effective weight loss. If you ever feel yourself creeping back up on the dreaded scale o’ fat all you have to do is put these 3 steps into action and watch as you stabilize and contradict any unwanted weight gain.

By exercising on a regular basis you are giving your body the energy boost it needs to ramp up your metabolism rate to start efficiently and effectively losing weight on a daily basis. I don’t about you but that sounds pretty darn good to me.

The more you push yourself physically the faster you will see change in your body occur. You may not have to work out with a personal trainer everyday but you do need to do something.

Be it going for a walk, running, swimming, biking, hiking, or any other physical activity you like to do start doing it now. Don’t spend another night on the couch watching the latest re-runs. Get your body moving and start losing weight today.

Passing Your Firefighter Exam Will Depend on More Than Just Your Aptitude

Firefighting is a noble profession that demands extreme self-sacrifice. However, there is a fine line between self-sacrifice and lack of knowledge. For this very reason, aspiring firefighters must first pass a test which determines their suitability for the job. Seasoned firefighters have the opportunity to judge a candidate’s dedication, bravery and potential to become a good firefighter. This is a job you have to love or you won’t last.

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However, if firefighting is your dream and you feel it to the depths of your soul then you need to be fully prepared for the firefighting exam. The first secret of passing any exam is to know what the test makers want, what they are looking for. Even though diligent study is compulsory to be able to pass the exam, there will still be some questions that elude you. If you understand how questions are structured then you will be able to make an educated guess, which is a lot better than no answer at all.

What Are the Test Makers Looking For?

The written firefighter exam is designed to test a wide range of skills and abilities, including reading comprehensions, ability to follow directions, problem-solving, memory, mechanical abilities, map reading and your memory. There will not be any questions included in the test on firefighting rules, regulations and procedures, as it is federal mandate that candidates are not tested without prior training.

The firefighter exam contains questions that have two main objectives. The first is to determine your knowledge and how much you have learned, while the second measures your development potential. Even though regulations state that you do not need to know fire regulations and procedures, job related questions are still related as a way to test your innate problem solving skills as well as your judgment and common sense.

Practice Makes Perfect

The old adage makes perfect sense, as the more practice tests you take, the more you will be able to understand the firefighting exam and what the test makers are looking for. It will also help you cement any new concepts you have learned by continuous recall and review.

What is on the Firefighter Exam?

The firefighter’s exam aims to test a number of areas such as your ability to understand and interpret information that is presented in graphs, charts, tables and diagrams. These questions are also useful in determining your capacity to follow written directions. Your mechanical inclinations will also be tested, to determine how well you understand the operation of different devices. You’re deductive reasoning will also be tested as well as your ability to interpret data to detect problems or potential problems.

One of the biggest obstacles in passing any exam, including the firefighter exam, is speed. People rush through the exam without thinking because they focus on a difficult problem, wasting too much time and then having to rush through the remaining questions. This is why it is important to leave the more difficult questions for the end of the exam, if you wish to pass the firefighter exam, that is.