Honoring Women from the World of Firefighting

Everywhere in the world, thousands of events take place on this day in celebration of the political, social and economic accomplishments of women throughout history. A large number of people have congregated all over the world this past weekend to celebrate International Women’s Day.

I’m no novice to the achievements achieved by women. I spent my early high school years in an all-girls’ school, taking in the stories of women around the globe-leaders as academics, scientists and academics doctors activists, artists and musicians–as well as the lasting and transformative achievements they achieved to benefit humanity.

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As a woman working as a firefighter, which is classified as a non-traditional job for women-I was looking to be a part of this day that celebrates women. So I recently contacted some people, family and friends aged between 7 and 77 , for assistance. I askedthem “If you were able to ask a female firefighter anything which one would it be?”

Below are their questions along with my responses. Enjoy. And happy International Women’s Day!

What made you want to be an firefighter? Do you think that the reasons why a woman would like to be a firefighter are different than the reasons that a man would like to be an firefighter?

I always wanted to be a firefighter because I was looking to help people and help my community. I have always imagined myself in a job that focused on service, and being an emergency responder is one way to fulfill that dream.

When I realized that women working in firefighters were not many in number, I was intimidated. However, I must admit, I was driven by that task. (Maybe this goes back to my early years… At the age of five, I was fiveyears old, I was challenged by a child with a sand box. He told me, “I bet you can’t achieve this feat.” Then he began to zip his pants and go to the sandbox and pee. I immediately took off my pants and also peed in the sandbox!)

To answer the second part of your question, I’ve observed that both men and women who I have met throughout my professional life usually look into firefighting for a variety of the same reasons – desire to help their community, aid others, the constant physical strain of working in the field and the team component and the physical, mental, and technical challenges that tackling the effects of an emergency.

What are you most fond of about being an emergency responder?

Take a look at all of the below!

What do you need to do to obtain an opportunity to work as an emergency responder? Do you need to be doing the same as men?

As with everything else it is also evolving. In the beginning, firefighters working in United States were men (thus “firemen”). The first female firefighters paid in the US was hired in 1973. In the 1980s and 1990s, numerous departments adopted affirmative actions to boost the diversification of their firefighters’ ranks.

Men and women alike, have to undergo the same strict examination process, which can last up to six months. The testing process generally starts with a written examination. Candidates who pass the written exam, are then able to take an agility physical test. Women are required to be able to pass the same physical tests as men to become firefighters.

For a firefighter to be effective, you require a balanced balance of endurance for your heart and both lower and upper body power. Although most men might be better able to depend on strength because of muscle mass to perform tasks on the ground however women are taught to utilize more efficient body mechanics and better techniques together with their strength, to become efficient firefighters. This is the best approach and all firefighters should be wise to keep their bodies in good shape and free from injury by focusing on body mechanics and utilizing smarter methods.

Once agility tests have been passed The next step is oral board interview as well as a Chief’s Interview and thorough background check. Many people are able to apply for few positions in the fire service. After being hired, both men and women are required to undergo a fire academy where they will learn and practice firefighting techniques. If they are able to pass the course, they will begin the probationary period as firefighters. As a firefighter on probation, they remain in training and evaluated throughout the year on the ground, through written tests and in manipulative abilities.

Are women and men able to share the same type of job with the firefighters?

Yes! Women and men firefighters are involved in the same roles, whether it’s putting out flames while holding the nozzle and the hose, or cutting vent holes in roofs using chain saws, climbing up aerial ladders for 100 feet in the air and employing hydraulic power tools to slice off cars in order to reach those who are stuck inside, or employing the EMT or paramedic abilities in caring for injured or sick patients.

There are more women in captain’s posts as well as in chief’s posts. The first female paid Chief of fire within the United States was Chief Rosemary Bliss from Tiburon, California. She was named the Fire Chief in 1993. in 2012 Teresa Deloach Reed became the very first African American woman Fire Chief of the Oakland, California, Fire Department.

When you began working as a firefighter did you find an equal amount of men and women working in the department? Was it the same today?

The fire department where I am employed is made up of approximately 10 percent of female firefighters. And this is on the upward in comparison to national standards. As per the results of the Census the proportion of women is about 4.8 percent of firefighters within their fire department in United States. The first woman employed in my department was recently left. She’s living historical facts for me in the book!

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Symptoms and Treatment

Arthritis is a common term for an illness that covers a broad spectrum that comprises more than one hundred illnesses. The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common, while rheumatoid arthritis is the second most common. Rheumatoid arthritis, however, is the most severe form of arthritis.

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What are the Symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis?

How do you know which type of arthritis you have? There are certain symptoms present for different types of arthritis:

Appetite loss
Low-grade fever
Range of motion is limited
Numbness or Tingling Sensations
Redness of skin
Inflammation of skin
Hand and foot deformities
Swollen glands
Nodules under the skin – round and painless
Pleurisy – inflammation of the lungs
Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms can vary – and can include any of the above symptoms or all of the above symptoms. Different symptoms may be apparent at different stages of the disease. Consulting a physician with a list of your known symptoms can help you discover if rheumatoid arthritis is the type of arthritis you have. Active and Inactive Rheumatoid arthritis is a form of arthritis that can occur in stages. Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms can be active or inactive. When the symptoms are inactive, the patient is in remission – and can have long periods of time with no symptoms present. Signs of a flare-up can include:
Aches in muscles and joints
Stiffness in joints
Low-grade fever can be present
Appetite loss
Joints can become red, swollen, painful, and tender
During a flare-up of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, your daily routine can become severely limited. Things that you take for granted, like opening doors, opening jars, and sometimes, even walking, become too painful. At times like these, it is important that you understand that it is okay to let others help you. Remission can occur at any time – there is no rhyme or reason. The symptoms can disappear at any time – and they can begin again at any time. Sometimes, the remission may last a few days and others times, it may last a few months. Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment
As with any medical illness, you should consult your physician for diagnosis. Once you have shared your rheumatoid arthritis symptoms with your physician, he/she may suggest tests – including blood tests and x-rays of your joints. Your physician uses the results of these tests, along with your symptoms in order to make a diagnosis.

Once a diagnosis has been made, you should discuss your choices with your physician. There is no known cure for rheumatoid arthritis – but many people have effectively managed to control rheumatoid arthritis symptoms by eating healthy, maintaining a healthy weight, and exercising regularly. It is very important to maintain your overall health – physically and mentally – in order to manage rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. One very important thing to remember is that even if your rheumatoid arthritis is in remission and you have not shown any symptoms for months, it is important to maintain your healthy way of life. You should maintain your exercise routine in order to keep the muscles around your joints strong so that when your joints need to rely a little more on the muscles, the muscles will be able to carry the load.

Before you use medicine to treat your rheumatoid arthritis, you should educate yourself as much as possible. Learn all you can about the possible side effects, how the medication interacts with other drugs and foods, and how the medication will affect your daily life. For some people, controlling rheumatoid arthritis symptoms with medication may be the answer. Others may choose not to take the risks associated with the medications available for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

For those who choose not to take that risk, there are many natural treatments that help to control rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. There are many herbal remedies that can be ingested to help ease the symptoms – and many herbal remedies that can be used as massaging oils and liniments to help ease the pain and inflammation of the joints. Many home remedies have been effective for people for years – the key is to find the one that will work for you.

You can protect your mouth with an Apnea Mouthpiece

Nothing can disrupt a peaceful night’s rest more than snoring. This is also thought to be the primary reason for husbands to lie on couches. According to medical professionals, the loud snoring shouldn’t be overlooked as it could be an indication of sleep apnea which is which is a life-threatening illness.


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Sleep apnea refers to the stoppage of breathing during a time when one asleep. The slow breathing and pauses in breathing lasting between 10-20 seconds is known as sleep apnea. Because of this, a lack of oxygen occurs and causes a sudden awake. This causes sleep deprivation, and the person is suffering from fatigue, drowsiness, slower reactions and poor focus during the daytime.

To better understand sleep apnea, it is important to be aware of the different varieties. There are three kinds of sleep apnea, namely central, obstructive, and more complex.

The types of sleeping Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea is by far the most frequent type. It occurs when the soft tissues located at in the back of your throat which includes the tongue can relax while sleeping and restrict airflow. If the airway becomes blocked, it creates an extremely loud, vibrating sound is known as snoring. Another type is central sleep apnea. It’s the least well-known kind due to your central nervous system. The brain is unable to transmit signals to the muscles that regulate breathing. Additionally, snoring isn’t as apparent for those who suffer with central sleep apnea. The final type is called complex sleep apnea which is a combination of central and obstructive sleep apnea.

It is crucial to be aware of the symptoms and signs of sleep apnea since it can occur to anyone. It doesn’t discriminate against any gender or race. It is important to be aware of the indicators and signs because they may save a loved one or your life.

Indications and Symptoms

The main indications of sleep apnea is loud snoring and prolonged breathing pauses or snorting. and gasping for breath during sleep. People who suffer from sleep apnea could include awakening with dry mouth, a coarse vocalization, sore throat the throbbing of headaches, insomnia fatigue during the day, and apathy. Before you start complaining about how loud other people snore, and then criticizing them for being lazy, it is important to understand what they are doing, particularly in the way they sleep.

Risk Factors

Many people are unaware of the possibility that they might be a candidate for sleep apnea, particularly in the absence of risk-factors. Obesity or family history, age and smoking cigarettes are among the risk factors. Medical conditions like allergic reactions, nasal congestion and other conditions that affect the airway could also lead to sleep apnea. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms it is recommended that you consult your doctor.

Be a good sleeper to Avoid Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a problem that can be eliminated through a change in one’s sleep habits. Altering the position of one’s body when sleeping can help prevent the condition from occurring. It is recommended for those who suffer with sleep apnea. It’s because when someone is sleeping on their backs gravity causes the tongue relax and fall on those soft tissue of their throat. This can cause an obstruction as well as loud snoring. A pillow placed under your head, it elevates it off the body. It also stops the tongue from falling into the air passageway. The ideal head height is 4 to 6 inches as anything greater than this can result in stiff necks or straining shoulder.

Medical Interventions

Sleep apnea can be treated in various ways. Doctors typically suggest sleep apnea-specific mouthpieces. They are instruments that are designed to reduce excessive snoring and bruxism commonly referred to for its teeth grinding. The majority of sleep apnea mouthpieces have been designed to be custom-fit to avoid getting stuck and from falling.

A number of patients and users have analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of using sleep apnea-related mouthpieces. Because these devices are designed to provide ease and relaxation, it’s crucial to spend time reading the reviews of various devices available.

One advantage of sleeping apnea mouthpieces and mouths guards to stop snoring is that it offers an immediate remedy for sleep apnea as well as excessive snoring. It’s also not as invasive as to surgeries and other dental appliances that are permanent. It is also only used during sleep, unlike braces or dental splints that have to be used throughout the time for the entire world to view.

There are some downsides however. Because it’s mobile, it is easy to find the mouthpiece. Some people also find it difficult to put something inside their mouths when they sleep. Some may have a long time to get used to it and can cause uncomfortableness and sleeplessness for certain. The mouthpieces need to be cleaned and brushed as teeth. In general, poorly cleaned mouthguards can be extremely insanitary.


CPAP can be described as an acronym which stands in Continuous Positive Airflow Pressure. This is the most well-known treatment for severe to moderate sleep apnea. CPAP is a device that uses the use of a mask to give a continuous stream of air throughout sleep. It’s similar to having an oxygen treatment at the hospital, but without the massive green tank. A few CPAP machines are now made in a way that is compact and are therefore easier to travel with.

One advantage of using one of the benefits of having a CPAP gadget is the way it ensures continuous airflow through the passages when asleep. This ensures that your body, specifically the brain, gets sufficient oxygen. Users of the CPAP device noticed improvement on their own bodies. They also reported increased endurance during the day, an increase in concentration and focus, and of course, an unwinding sleep. The drawbacks, on the other hand, are comparable to the disadvantages of the mouthpieces used to treat sleep apnea. Because the CPAP is externally used it is possible that the person who uses this might find it irritating and uncomfortable initially. Some people find it prohibits the person from changing positions during sleep because the device could be moved.

The makers of CPAP realized the problems due to its large, face-snapping mask and decided to create the Provent. The Provent utilizes nasal cannulas, and it is placed over the nostrils. It is less bulky and pervasive than traditional CPAP. Apart from the difference in size between the cannula as well as the mask Provent can be more costly option than the standard CPAP.

Popular Anti-snoring Mouthpieces Brands

There are many popular brands of anti-snoring gadgets in the marketplace and are endorsed by FDA. The three most sought-after brand names comprise Snore-Ex, PureSleep and ZQuiet.

Snore-Ex is an appliance that is placed in the mouth to reduce the habit of snoring. The benefit of Snore Ex is that it’s less expensive than a custom-designed mold created by dentists. The mold is created to fit every mouth simply following the steps provided in the box. It can also be utilized in conjunction with CPAP to enhance the benefits offered by the product. Snore-Ex can also help reduce the effects of bruxism and unconscious grinding. With these advantages, Snore Ex is considered to be a bargain since it’s a two-in-one product that tackles both snoring as well as bruxism.

PureSleep is a different FDA approved product that has been approved by FDA. It is a self-molded retention device which aims to lessen snoring by putting the jaw’s lower part slightly to the left of the normal position during sleep. By doing this, it can help open the airways, and lessens the vibrations that are commonly referred to as the sound of snoring. PureSleep comes with two pieces that can be connected. The benefit of PureSleep is that it gives the user the possibility of customizing the mouthpiece based on the bite of his. When the pieces are joined the device is heated to soften it, which helps it form perfectly to the teeth in just one minute. PureSleep has patented its adjustable design, FDA-approved material as well as a dental recommendation.

ZQuiet is a device to help you sleep better created by an expert in Dental Surgery named Dr. Avery Lieberman. His experience of 20 years as an Dental Sleep Specialist has made him one of the most renowned experts in the area. He utilized soft elastomer which is BPA and free of latex in the creation of ZQuiet. This way it was possible to adhere to all FDA’s guidelines on the safety of consumers. ZQuiet is a device that fits to the mouth. It will hold the jaw in a forward position, which maintains the airways open within the throat. The creators of ZQuiet are extremely proud of the “Living Hinge Technology,” which is a feature of the device that allows jaws to move in a natural way when you sleep. Because a soft kind of rubber is used in this device, users will not awake with jaw pain.

Snoring and sleep apnea are not able to disrupt a person’s peaceful night. With the help of our sleep specialists and dentists, we’re in a position to ease restless nights with their useful solutions to combat sleep apnea. It is said that the Dalai Lama once said, “Sleep is the most effective meditation.” It’s because sleeping and rest replenish a exhausted body and mind that is doing all day.

Biomedical Engineering – Embedding Stem Cells in Sutures

Johns Hopkins biomedical engineering students recently won first place in the University’s Design Day 2009 competition for demonstrating a practical way to embed a patient’s own adult stem cells in sutures. A suture (for example Ethicon suture, Covidien suture, or Autosuture), is the surgical thread used for wound closure by physicians. Suture needles are used to stitch sutures into the tissue.

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This particular application of embedding adult stem cells into surgical thread was developed for the repair of serious orthopedic injuries such as ruptured tendons. The objective of utilizing this technology is to enhance the healing process by reducing inflammation and speed up healing by releasing growth factor proteins. The possibility of re-injury would also be reduced. Since the cells will come from the patient, rejection should not be an issue. So far preliminary test results are promising-indications show that the cells attached to the sutures survive the wound closure process and keep the ability to become replacement tissue such as cartilage.

The project involved several steps. Bioactive Surgical was the corporate sponsor who developed the patent-pending concept for embedding cells in sutures and procured the student team to do the testing. First, the student team had to locate a machine that could produce sutures capable of ensuring the viability of the cells and effectively deliver them into the tissue. The undergraduate students, in collaboration with orthopedic physicians, then began testing the stem cell sutures in animal models in the hopes that the stem cells would considerably speed up and improve the healing process. The students also handled aspects such as preparing grant applications to seek additional funding.

Ultimately the procedure would be as follows: the physician would procure stem cells from the bone marrow in a patient’s hip, embed the stem cells into the novel suture through a proprietary process, and then stitch together the orthopedic injury in the normal way with suture needles using the specially prepared sutures.

Currently, tendon repair surgery is done with conventional sutures including such brands as Ethicon suture, Covidien suture, Autosuture or with an Ethicon wound closure product.

The powdered baby milk is perhaps the most commonly found in the market

In looking for the best baby formula, there are a lot of considerations. There are no words to describe just how important milk is for the first few months of a baby’s life. This virtually makes up the most nutrition for your baby. This is precisely the reason why most parents are looking to find the best one in the market. If you are one of those parents, then you can be guided through this article in looking for the best baby formula for your delightful baby.

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There are different types of baby milk formula available in the market. You can find a myriad of these in powder form, concentrated, and ready to feed variety.

The powdered baby milk is perhaps the most commonly found in the market today. It is basically a powdered form of milk which you can mix with water using the right measurements. You only need to place it into the feeding bottle, mix it with water, and do a little shake. The issue in this form of baby milk formula is that you need to properly measure it to make sure that your baby is getting the right levels of nutrients. To resolve this problem, you can always get the individualized packets that you can conveniently just mix into the water, but it comes with a price. As an alternative, you can get the containers with compartments which you can prepare first before traveling. This is one of the most convenient ways of mixing powdered baby formula.

Concentrated baby formula, on the other hand, is a concentrated form of milk that you can simply pour into water and mix together. This is perhaps one of the most compact ways of preparing milk for your baby. Even though this is very convenient, it comes with a price.

Ready to feed is perhaps one of the most convenient baby milk formula available in the market. This is individually packed formula that you can either place directly in the feeding bottle, or in individual packs. You will surely find this very convenient as it comes pre-measured. In that way, you are sure that your baby receives the right amount of nutrition. On the other hand, you are expected to pay a whole lot for this kind of convenience.

Those are three types of baby milk you can get in the market. But if you are on a tight budget and you want to ensure that you are getting the most out of the price you will pay, and then you can always avail of the programs that can assist you in buying the best baby formula. But, there are a lot of parents who are not qualified for these programs. As an alternative, you can always choose to minimize the amount you spend.

The fact is; there is really no such thing as the ultimate and best baby formula. There is only the best for your baby. It depends on the needs and preference of your baby. So, before deciding on which to settle on, make sure to consult your baby’s paediatrician first. This is the safest way of determining if the baby formula is fit for your baby.

How Can Modifying My Diet Help Interstitial Cystitis, Painful Bladder Syndrome

One thing that 98% of interstitial cystitis/bladder pain patients agree on is that following an IC Diet does help, and it is one of the things we have in our control. Sometimes we ask, “Why me?” But think about it, almost everyone gets “something” eventually. Some people have arthritis, some have diabetes and some have even worse diseases like cancer. Having interstitial cystitis is our “thing”. Also, if you asked ten people on the street if they are supposed to be watching their diet in some way, nine out of ten would say yes….and the last one is lying.

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The good news is that an individual’s IC diet usually doesn’t have to be as strict as you may think. Most IC patients find that they can have a substantial and healthy diet if they do a little detective work to identify their personal trigger foods. That is the idea of the elimination diet. Most people do not have to be on the most restrictive diet forever. And, although other IC patients are great counsel, your diet is probably not going to look like anyone else’s.

One thing to keep in mind is that diet is rarely a treatment that is successful all alone. Most IC patients will take some medications, and some may need medical treatments like bladder instillations or pelvic physical therapy in addition to making lifestyle changes such as diet modification and stress management. BUT….my observations tell me that an IC diet can ALWAYS help other treatments work better.

Let’s look at an IC bladder in a bit different way. Think about when you were a kid and got a skinned knee. What happened next? Most likely, you or someone else washed it then put a bandage and maybe some antibiotic cream on it. You would give it some time to heal.

But what if, three times a day, you took off the bandage and scrapped some sand paper across the wound on your knee? It would take MUCH longer to heal, right?

If we eat IC trigger foods, we are compromising and possible undoing all of the good our medications are working so hard to do for us. In fact, I am willing to bet that if people watch what they eat while they take Elmiron, that the medication will have a much higher success rate…just an educated guess!

Why wouldn’t you want to give your poor bladder every chance to rebuild its lining?

Remember, treatments for interstitial cystitis, including the IC diet, take time to work. It may seem depressing now, but it can take months or even years to feel better. If you are suffering now, it is important to keep that hope alive. You WILL eventually feel better; thousands of interstitial cystitis patients are living proof of that, but you have to be patient and really take some time to help yourself. If you need support, visit a local support group or connect with other patients online in groups such as the IC Diet Facebook page.

So, if you are a new IC patient….hang in there……..ask questions……..be your own best health care provider. Keep a diary or a calendar. Write down what you eat, what is going on in your life, the medications you are trying, and how you are feeling. If you can’t figure it out, share your diary with a trusted friend or your doctor. Sometimes we are too close to a situation to see what may be hurting us.

The Best Drink – Do you prefer Soy or Milk for your Baby Formula?

According to every medical expert and the World Health Organisation will tell you, the most effective type of milk for babies is breast milk. But for a variety of reasons, breastfeeding isn’t always feasible. The baby or mother may have a medical issue after the birth, or maybe the baby was in the incubator for a time and couldn’t feed. It could be that the mother wasn’t able to breastfeed or her job situation did not permit breastfeeding.

elecare lawsuit

No matter the cause, there’s an answer for infants who are unable to feed themselves – and that’s baby formula. There are a variety of baby formulas available on the market ranging from baby formula that is made from soy and organic formula for babies made by a variety of companies. If you’ve made the decision to bottle feed your baby then the question is what is the most suitable infant formula for you?

Generally speaking, baby formula is divided into two kinds which are soy and milk-based. While it is not recommended to give an infant cow’s milk until they reach the age of one year, the milk contained in formula is altered and broken down to allow babies to absorb it easily. In the past scientists have done all they could to come up with formula for babies that is similar to the breast milk’s nutrients as much as is possible. Thus, baby formula has a variety of minerals and nutrients your baby needs. For milk formula the nutrients have been extracted from cow’s milk and specially adapted to meet the needs of the baby’s infancy digestion.

If you have an allergy to milk within your household, then you could require a lactose-free baby formula. The most popular of these is the soy-based formula made from soya and is loaded with nutrients and vitamins. Since cow’s milk is generally thought of as more beneficial, but if you are concerned that it might cause the cause of a problem, talk to your health specialist to ensure that you’re providing your child the best formula you can.

After you’ve made your decision on the formula you want to use You should ensure that you purchase the formula that is the most appropriate for your child’s age. The majority of formulas are sold in different stages. This first phase is generally for babies ranging from six to six months old. The second stage runs until an entire year and the third stage is for children older than one year old. This way baby gets the proper nutrients according to their developmental stage. Make sure you stick to the proper formula stage. If you make a change too early it is possible that your baby’s constipation will increase.

Other aspects to consider for feeding Baby

There are a variety of firms that offer baby formula such as Wyeth, Nestle, Similac and many other brands. Similac formula is among the oldest brands, having been in operation since the 1920s. Several other well-established companies have been around for a while. It’s not always simple to pick a particular type of product. Some of the most well-known companies are surrounded by controversy due to their overly and sometimes dishonest methods of selling infant formula in the developing world. In Israel which is a country with a high level of development an incredibly tragic incident occurred in the past few years when a well-known company sold formula that was deficient in Vitamin B1 due to an unidentified production issue. The result was that a lot of children died from beriberi while some were permanently disabled.

Another aspect to consider is the price of baby formula are quite high, particularly at the beginning when it’s your baby’s only food source. A cheaper formula for your baby could simplify the budget of your family however the issue is whether it’s beneficial for your baby. However when you come across two formulas from different companies and have similar nutritional content however one is more expensive in comparison to the second, then you’d likely choose the one with the lowest price. But the decision you make should not solely be based on the financial aspect.

Finding the right formula for your newborn is, therefore, not the easiest decision. When you’re still in the hospital, you could receive an abundance in baby formulas which could confuse you more. (This is contingent on the location you reside in but, in general, selling newborn formula is now illegal in certain countries.) It is possible to trust your peers’ recommendations. But the best approach to tackle the issue is to consult your health expert for advice which is purely focused on health concerns and free of any kind or marketing bias.

If you have obstructive sleep apnea and want to end the suffering

If you have obstructive sleep apnea and want to end the suffering of your housemates or roommates from your loud snoring, you have most probably thought of getting a CPAP machine. CPAP therapy with the use of CPAP machines is the most common method for treating obstructive sleep apnea. Its parts include the machine which is usually about the size of a shoe box, the flexible tube that connects the machine to the mask, and the mask which is placed over the mouth and nose to facilitate breathing. The machine works by delivering mild air pressure to keep the airways from collapsing and being obstructed. The amount of pressure varies from patient to patient and is determined by a physician.

CPAP machines are available in a wide variety of forms, settings, configurations, and functionality. Generally, one can choose from a regular and automatic machine. The primary difference of the two is that a regular CPAP machine continually blows air to eliminate airway obstruction and does so at a constant pressure throughout the patient’s sleep whether he or she is experiencing apnea or not. On the other hand, an automatic CPAP machine adjusts the pressure of the air it is blowing depending on the patient’s need.

Philips CPAP Lawsuit

Consequently, an automatic machine is preferred for its benefits but rationally comes at a higher price. Also, an automatic CPAP machine is considered to be flexible in that it can be set to automatic or constant mode. With an automatic machine, the delivered pressure is reduced by roughly 40%. The patient does not have to worry about regulating a certain pressure as his or her condition changes. Likewise, some automatic CPAP machines are capable of determining the differences between central apneas or hypopneas and obstructive apneas or hypopneas.

However, your choice of a CPAP machine should not be based solely on the machine and its functions. Seasoned respiratory therapists know that it is essential to consider the manufacturer or brand of the product. Of course, manufacturers who have been in the industry for long produce high-quality products that can last longer than others and at a relatively lower risk to malfunction. Resmed is usually the most preferred manufacturer followed by (in no particular order) Respironics, Puritan Bennett, Sunrise Medical, Fisher and Paykel, and Aieomed.

Aside from paying careful attention to the machine, it is also important to find the mask that will fit just right for you. No matter how good your machine is, if you have a badly fitting mask, you will have problems and discomfort during your CPAP therapy. Thus, it is important to try different types of masks including nasal mask, full-face mask, and nasal pillow.