Fashion Design History

Fashion is a collective term for a myriad variety of styles, fashions, trends, and items that are popular with the general public. In a broader sense, fashion can also be applied to the processes or behaviors that produce these styles and trends. The most widely accepted definition therefore, is a contemporary mode of dressing that is chosen for its suitability, adaptability, and ability to meet a given need or expectation.

Fashion is a very broad term, including a range of individual preferences in clothing, accessories, hairstyles, cultural expression, and even body posture and bodily movements. In its most fundamental usage, the word implies a specific appearance defined by the fashion business at what it considers to be a time and place that are culturally significant. Throughout much of the history of the profession, fashion has been a highly subjective practice. The art of fashion was constantly evolving as fashions were routinely adapted to respond to changing needs and desires.

Historically, fashion has often reflected societal class and economic status. For example, the wealthy would often sport looser clothing, while the masses wore clothing that was more conservative. Clothing, fashion, and culture have always had a hand in defining who is perceived to be a high-earning and successful person, and who falls into the lower tiers of the economic spectrum. Throughout history, those who have been considered beneath the social ladder have tried to either mask their deficiencies by wearing clothing that was “fake,” or have outright attempted to cover up their defects to achieve social and economic success. In modern times, this approach to fashion has become more problematic, particularly due to the increasing levels of poverty and inequality in society.

A major feature of fashion change is represented by the constantly evolving styles and trends. In ancient times, people’s clothing choices were primarily limited by necessity, rather than desire. For example, most women would wear a simple blouse over a dress, with tight-fitting trousers or leggings. The wealthy would dress in more lavish fashions, frequently including ostentatious jewelry and exotic items such as snakes. The middle class did not feature much in the way of fashion, instead choosing practical everyday clothing and everyday apparel for the upper class.

In the past decade, fashion trends have undergone drastic changes, with designers creating styles and designs that are more outrageous and revealing than ever before. At the same time, the public has become more accepting of these types of changes, which are becoming more accepted by the general public. Celebrities are often the cause of a fashion trend, as many people find it difficult to look away when a favorite Hollywood star appears on the big screen. This has led to a greater interest in fashion, which can be seen in television programs and magazines, as well as advertisements on billboards and other types of media. Celebrities continue to play a large role in fashion because their influence continues to extend into the fashion world.

Throughout the past century, fashion trends tend to change approximately one hundred times before they stop changing. One hundred changes is quite a substantial amount of changes, however, given the fact that the span of history is considered to be several thousands of years, it is safe to say that most changes in fashion are permanent. Changes in fashion are a natural part of the aging process, but changes in fashion are also a reflection of societal changes, such as changing tastes in clothing and attitudes about beauty standards. Trends in fashion are constantly changing, just like the seasons in the real world, so a fashion trend may not last for very long. But changes in fashion do tend to stick around for a long period of time, so it is possible that trends in fashion will continue to grow in the future. Just remember that while fashions are always changing, your style is only changing in reaction to the times.