Top Causes of Head-On Car Accidents

Head-on car accidents are just one form of car accident. The term head-on accident simply refers to car collisions where the point of contact is behind the car. For two head-to-head car accidents, this means that the point of contact is behind both cars. In a head on car accident the cars are lined up and parallel. No vehicle can turn into the other car in an accident like this. It only happens with front end collisions.

Rear end collisions occur when the cars are lined up but not parallel. Rear end collisions usually happen when one car fails to see the other car coming. This is rare because the driver of the car that fails to see the other car will probably slow down and take evasive action. Most drivers can avoid this kind of accident if they use proper defensive driving techniques.

One of the most common causes of head-on car accidents is drunk driving. A person that has consumed too much alcohol cannot control their reflexes very well. When they look away from the road to avoid having to deal with an angry passenger driver, they often fail to notice something coming up behind them that causes the car they are looking at to slam on the brakes. Drunk drivers can cause serious car accident injuries and most of these injuries will require extensive medical treatment.

Another common cause of collisions is reckless driving. This is when a driver doesn’t follow all of the necessary traffic rules or decays from using illegal drugs. Any driver involved in a collision could face a wrongful death claim if the other driver was involved in a fatal accident due to the negligence of this driver. This includes accidents where the vehicles were both moving at the same time.

Comparative negligence refers to the actions of a driver that causes another driver to make a mistake that results in an accident case. For example, if a driver fails to check for a red light, they might cause a car accident. If a driver failed to see that a red light was turned on, they may be found to have committed comparative negligence.

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Car accident cases involving side impact collisions usually result in more severe injuries and sometimes death. Because these types of collisions occur in urban areas with higher speeds and traffic volumes, the drivers involved rarely have any warning before the collision takes place. For this reason, it can be difficult for a victim’s family to receive compensation. A good car accident lawyer can help victims recover damages for damages caused by negligent driving.