When Should You Consider Drug Rehab?

If you have a loved one who is addicted to drugs or alcohol, there is a good chance that they are thinking about going into drug rehab to get help for their situation. However, if you are not quite sure how to proceed in this matter, you may want to ask for their input. You can’t force someone into therapy, after all. You should only take action when the person has expressed a sincere desire to seek treatment. So how do you know if your loved one needs drug rehab?

First off, you need to consider his or her addiction and any other mental health disorders that may be contributing to the issue. The most common problem associated with drug and alcohol use and abuse is depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders. If you know for sure that your loved one is suffering from a mental health disorder, it may be necessary for him or her to go to a reputable drug rehab center.

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Once you find a good center to treat your loved one’s addictions, you must make sure that everyone who attends is trained in recovery. Recovery is extremely important to everyone involved, after all. Inpatient rehabilitation and outpatient rehabilitation are two different concepts that recovery from addictions takes place in. Outpatient recovery, which is usually done in a residential drug rehab facility, focuses on the individual’s social and psychological adjustment while in the hospital or center. The individual is monitored by trained staff during his or her stay.

For centuries people have been detoxifying their bodies for many reasons

The early Chinese used detoxification as part of their weight loss routines to remove poisons from their bodies. In modern times detox has become more fashionable as a way to improve health and even to slow down the aging process. Modern science has developed detoxification methods that are not only easy to do but have many proven health benefits.

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The theory behind detoxification is that toxins build up in the tissues of the body over time and accumulate in cells where they interfere with the function of other cells or even cause cancer. Some scientists believe that the best way to prevent the buildup of toxins in your cells is through cleansing. The theory behind cleansing is that cleansing can remove the build up of toxins in the digestive tract, the skin, the lungs, the kidneys, the bowels and the blood. There are three methods that are commonly used in detoxification: the herbal flush, the master cleanse and the fast.

The Herbal Flush is done by taking a hot bath with very little food in it or by drinking large amounts of tea or water. The theory is that the herbs in the hot water will draw out toxins from the kidneys, liver, intestines and all other parts of the body. They should not be taken long before going to bed because this could stimulate a false detoxification. The master cleanse takes you on a fast for ten days and includes very little food intake and only enough water to substitute what you may have eaten during the day. It is not advisable to drive while on the detoxifying diet and there are certain foods and liquids that are prohibited as well. Many people have claimed to have lost a great deal of weight while on these diets but it is hard to measure exactly how much weight is lost because the body goes into shock on the detoxification and does not return to normal for some time.