While we tend to think of the contamination of drinking water

While we tend to think of the contamination of drinking water as something that occurs exclusively on regions of the Third World, it’s not! Even the biggest American cities that have modern treatment facilities could have drinking water that’s contaminated. Whatever your location and if you’re concerned about safeguarding those around you, it’s important to be aware of this issue and be aware of how you can address it.

Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuit

When we consider drinking water pollution We immediately think of Sub-Saharan Africa, or some region that has been ravaged by war in the Middle East. The type of pollution we envision is the emergence of waterborne illnesses such as cholera. While I’m not trying to minimize the gravity of the global water crisis However, I’d like to highlight that developed nations, as well as that of the United States, have issues with water that is contaminated. Our contaminants differ.

There have been studies conducted across research conducted in U. S. recently that have discovered all kinds of pesticides and prescription drugs in our drinking water. Ralph Nader’s group conducted research on various American drinking water sources and discovered more than 2,000 carcinogens that are known to be present in our water. The most recent research on 29 American cities has revealed that pesticides were present in the water that was treated in all 29cities! Although drinking small amounts of an anti-cardiovascular medication isn’t likely to cause death in the immediate time, the long-term effects of this kind of contaminant are not fully comprehended. Researchers, however, believe there is a connection between the myriad of chemicals found within our water as well as our alarming rate of cancer.

It’s true pollution of water sources is an problem in America and other advanced nations! The most important issue is what do you do to safeguard both your children and yourself?

There has been a massive increase in the sales of bottled water in the last 10 years (to the point of creating a new ecological risk – millions of non-biodegradable plastic containers)! Certainly, bottled water companies profit from our concerns about the quality of water that flows from our taps. We’re sorry to say that bottled drinking water will not be your answer to the water quality issue. Bottled water is just as likely to be affected by contamination as tap water or even more! In fact, there are less federal regulations that apply to bottles of water than tap water regulations. About 70% of the packaged water sold isn’t subject to federal regulations since it’s not being shipped across states’ boundaries.

There is only one option: filter your water at your home! The only thing you have to do is learn more about which water filters work most effective. There’s plenty of information available on Web on this subject. In order to protect your family from water-borne illness and ensuring their health is only one click away.