History of Egyptian Modern Education Systems

Egyptian Modern Education Systems is a privately owned company, based in Cairo. It was established in 2021 with the intention of providing high quality education services to the public and to setting up and running preschools. It is also the leading manufacturer of reading centers in Egypt and has centres all over the country. It also manufactures learning centers, primary and secondary schools and nurseries. The main aim of this company is to provide quality education to its customers in various subjects such as science, mathematics, English and Arabic languages and cultures. They are able to provide their customers with educational services that are world class.

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The Egyptian modern education systems concentrates on promoting a national curriculum that is recognized by the government and endorsed by the main teaching and research organizations. The curriculum is compulsory and students are required to participate in it during their primary and secondary school days. The system includes both national and local education systems with the main emphasis on Islamic principles of education.

In addition to the national curriculum, the modern education systems also follow a policy of promoting progressive discipline that is characterized byeness, competence and punctuality. It does not permit the breaking of class rules and traditions. Students are encouraged to be punctual in their studies and are disciplined in all aspects of the education so that they can improve themselves accordingly. This policy of promoting progressive discipline and good hygiene among the students in the company makes the learners more alert and attentive. The policy of the company is also accompanied by policies like ‘no compulsory evacuation’, whereby when a school or a nursery is under attack by the hostile forces, the children are evacuated to a safer place.