Private Baths, Showers and Toilets

A bathroom or washroom is usually a large room, usually in a house or other commercial building, which includes either a shower or an actual wash basin. The addition of a washing basin to a bathroom is quite common nowadays. It adds a certain sense of luxury and style to the room. Wash basins have become quite popular, as they do not take up much space, are easy to install and also serve a very practical purpose. The bathroom is one of the most important rooms in the house as it is where one gets ready for entering the house itself or for shaving and other related activities.

There are many options available when it comes to the selection of bathroom furniture and fittings. Bathroom furniture consists of the toilet, the bathroom cabinet, the vanity units, wash basins, bathroom showers and towels. The most common type of bathroom furniture and fittings is the so-called wet bath. Wet baths are basically baths that do not use water but still require a supply of water for cleaning purposes. These baths are available in various shapes and sizes and can be selected as per one’s individual needs.

bathroom surgeon

The private rooms in a house can have both a bathroom and a lavatory. Private bathroom can be made according to ones individual or family needs. There are many models of private lavatories in which the bath is placed at a specific corner of the lavatory and can be used only by members of the family or relatives. A private bathroom can be decorated as per ones individual tastes. Most houses today use heated lavatories instead of the normal indoor bathroom as they find it easier to keep the bathroom warm during winter seasons.