Horizon For Your Innovation Process

Innovation Ideas come from many different places and individuals with innovative ideas are usually quite scarce. One of the great things about the Internet is that you can get ideas from everywhere, including from folks that may not be household names to people with zero start-up capital. The challenge is to sift through all these innovators and determine the quality and/or quantity of the innovation they bring to the marketplace. For innovation ideas to be profitable they need to be marketable, so it is important to determine what type of marketplace you want to be part of. Not every idea can or should be part of a particular market sector.

What Is Innovation? Many businesses often struggle to come up with new ideas because they are attempting to apply current methods to solve problems in complex or unfamiliar environments. The key is determining what problem your company or organization are solving and then using knowledge from diverse fields to create a solution. The best way to determine if an innovation idea is good for your industry is to look at your competitors and determine if they are using any unique strategies that can help your business to compete or succeed. After you have identified what problems your company needs solved, you can then build on the innovation ideas by digging deeper into those problems, developing a “road map” to their achievement and determining whether it makes sense to take a chance and launch an innovation project by launching the most viable products or services in the realm of your industry.

new inventors

What Is Innovation and How Do You Apply Them To Your Organization? Innovation is actually defined by Wikipedia as an innovative product or process, often new but well researched and designed to a high degree to enable it to perform as promised. The definition is not specific enough to define a product as innovating, so we must refine it in order to make it meaningful for our purposes. In other words, innovation should be viewed as a process instead of a product or service that quickly solve a specific business problem, as was done in the example given above where the invention was to refactoring a previously successful business model into something new and improved. In addition, we must also understand that innovation is much more than simply finding a way to fix the problems that are being highlighted by current strategies, as noted above, but must embrace being a proactive enterprise that works toward constantly improving or even inventing the future.

How To Start Your Invention Cycle

This lesson will introduce students to the invention cycle, a simple yet effective way to help guide students during the invention process. Students will begin the lesson by completing a 15-minute project using little Bits. At the end of the project, students will have used three of their chosen invention bits and will know that invention they were able to create. The next step in the process is to present their work at a school science fair, demonstrating their invention’s ability to solve a problem or demonstrate the usefulness of their creation.

After the project, you will get students thinking about how they solved the problem or how their invention could be applied to solve a future problem. You will then allow them to select one or two more invention ideas to present at your science fair. If you want to get students thinking more about the topic, you will put their chosen invention into categories; for instance, animals. Then, you will give them an outline of the problem in terms of space, time, and money. After completing this part of the activity, you will encourage them to complete one of the following tasks:

new inventors

In the last part of the activity, you will have them complete a story about their invention cycle. Here, they will describe the steps they took to complete the activity, including descriptions of their quick invention idea, the research they did to find ideas, and finally the steps they took to implement their invention. Although you might think that the story is dry, as it sounds like a task for a child to relate, you will be surprised at how engaging these short stories can be. In addition, you can then build on their stories by having them write a paper related to their stories; the better they write, the better their presentations and experiments will be, because the more involved they are in the story, the more they will expand their imagination and creativity.

Discovery of Zero

The invention of zero is perhaps the most abstract of all the human philosophies. Yet, it is not altogether incorrect to say that the actual invention or the theory of zero is truly revolutionary in mathematics. Zero is a very powerful symbol for the philosophy of not having anything and giving up everything. It gives rise to the very ability for an average person to understand mathematics in such a way that a mathematical equation can be easily understood by anyone.


For this reason, the invention of numerical zero has provided the foundation or the starting point for numerous branches of mathematics, namely integral calculus, finite and infinite algebra and also differential calculus. In addition to all this, many scientists, including John clockmaker, Albert Einstein, and Otto Stern have used the theory of numerical zero to help them create better ways of computing phenomena such as the laws of relativity. Also, in recent times, computers and microchips have made significant use of numerical methods as well. This simply means that the invention of zero has opened up a new era in the history of mathematics, namely the Era of Computational Mathematics. Also, in the field of computer science, the use of numerical analysis has paved the way for digital computer generated solutions to many calculus problems.

Numerical analysis, however, is not the only application of the zero concept. The real innovation of the number zero has seen the application of its concept to the natural world as well. Some examples of this include the discovery of the annual number, the phenomenon of Fibonacci numbers, and the Beknown numbers.